Washington State Korean American Day Foundation

January 13

On January 13, 1903, 102 pioneer Korean immigrants arrived in the United States initiating the first chapter of Korean immigration to America. Since 1903, over 1 million Koreans have immigrated to the US. To celebrate the centennial year, the US Congress formally recognized January 13 as Korean American Day with bipartisan support. Later, in 2007, Korean American Day was recognized by Washington State.


The Washington State Korean American Day Celebration Foundation is a non-profit organization in Washington that organizes Korean American Day events on January 13th annually and promotes related events.

Hosts Korean Traditional & Cultural Events

Produces, Distributes, & Promotes images of Korea

Educates on The History of Korean Americans



  hours  minutes  seconds


Korean American Day 2024

Get Involved

Introduce a Proclamation

The Foundation is working to elevate the efforts and impacts of Korean Americans beyond one event on January 13th. To pass a proclamation, connect with us below and we will share a digital sample proclamation kit.

Become an Ambassador

Join over 15 high schools, universities, and businesses in educating about the national day, celebrating Korean American Day, and recognizing the achievements of Korean Americans. Connect with us below and we will share a sample project outline.

Stay Informed & Keep in Touch

Suggestions? Questions? We’d love to hear from you and stay connected.

Washington State Korean American Day Celebration Foundation